
Comtra Theatre

Monty Python's Spamalot

directed by Robert Hockenberry

October 2013

Role - Sir Robyn / Brother Maynard / Guard #2

What can I possibly say about Spamalot? This is the show I was born to be in. I am just as silly and sarcastic as anything the Pythons can dream up and I would have given my left kidney to do this show.

Oddly, I played Sir Robyn, the not so brave as Sir Lancelot. I find this odd, because of all the cast, I'm the only one who has ever actually worn armor and wielded a sword in battle (SCA).

Robyn's big number is "You Won't Succeed on Broadway" which is a fun, albeit vocally un-challenging, song.

Also, I made all the swords and most of the armor pieces. It's amazing how you can make foam look like metal.