cromwellKnown World Players - Pennsic 41

Anne of the Thousand Days

August 2012

Role - Thomas Cromwell

Shows with the Known World Players are challenging. The show is cast in August and we start phone rehearsals in the spring since the cast is spread out across the "Known World." We get together at Pennsic and rehearse every morning for a week, have one dress rehearsal and then do one performance. It's very nerve wracking for an actor like me who learns his lines using location queues since we are expected to have our lines memorized before even getting onto the stage to rehearse.

Cromwell is a deviously fun villain to play, although history paints him as less devious than the writer of this play. I used a lot of voice inflection and body language to get across the machinations of his manipulative mind.

My favorite line was "Yes, your Majesty." But it was more the way I said it than what was said.